Molinar & Co. Financial Advocates 

Personalized wealth management

Molinar & Co. offers personalized wealth management for the Private and Corporate investor seeking access to: 

Meet our Founder and Principal

You deserve better


Higher Expectations

Carefully screened clients whose relationships are measured in decades. Regular communication. Fiercely independent of corporate dictates and soft dollar influences. Leading edge customized portfolios. Education and coaching.

Integrated Planning

The most satisfying journey of a thousand miles doesn’t begin with the first step, it begins with charting your course. A plan’s design is to create focus, accountability, and to synchronize your resources with the aim to make the otherwise unlikely inevitable.

Fiduciary Standards

It’s not just transparency, or a legal standard we ascribe to, it is our moral commitment, always and only your best interest. It doesn’t mean we’re infallible, it means our mission is crystal clear.

So others may thrive...

Frank Molinar is a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner with over three decades of service to the welfare of his clients. He is also an internationally recognized professional speaker, trainer and author in the personal finance space. 

He has worked with the Department of Defense, the Arizona’s Attorney General’s office, and the Arizona Department of Veteran’s Affairs to promote the value of financial literacy and personal responsibility.

For more information about Frank, visit and

In the richest democracy in the history of the world, the average American investor underperforms their own investments by 50% or more.* Is your future filled with anxiety or anticipation? Let’s explore the promise of your real potential -- we believe it’s bigger than you’ve dared to imagine. 

Molinar & Co. | 2021

This site is for informational purposes only. Investment Advisory services offered through Retirement Consultants, Inc.

Our home base is Arizona, but our reach is nationwide. 

*Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior

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Outliving your income is not an option. Neither should it be a possibility….


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